Sunday, March 15, 2020

Gratitude Day

Daily Devotion - March 15

I am sending a brief message each day to my congregation while we are pausing gathering in person.
- Kara

We gathered for worship today online/phone! 

It was so good to see people's faces and hear their voices.  
Wherever we are in our journey of faith, when we come together - no matter how that happens - God meets us!

In worship:
We come to see the big picture,
to praise God, and remember whose we are.

We come to share the truth, 
as children of God, to recognize who we are.

That happened today!

Some "Kingdom of God" sightings were shared:
- People singing together from their windows and balconies in Italy
- Neighbors who help a woman who has lost mobility, into and out of bed each day, so she can stay in her home
- a teacher in Milwaukee organizing a online form for people to share resources and needs with each other
- Our own neighbors and neighborhoods, which feel we are noticing and caring for one another more intentionally this week

Where have you seen the Kingdom of God this week?
What experience made you notice people belonging to each other?
What experience reminded you of God’s nearness and love?

Sundays following worship, we are taking a sabbath break for the rest of the day - or at least a few hours.  Get outside, if you can. It's gorgeous out there.

Here's a poem, shared by Parker Palmer a few days ago, to bless your day, followed by an end of the day connecting ritual.



Perhaps tonight, before we go to bed, whatever time that is in each of our homes, we might all say this prayer, and so join our souls:

A Litany of Gratitude 
Let yourself go, free association style.
Say your thanks until you are finished.
Wait a minute, and say a few more.
Then say Amen.

Thank you God for...
Thank you God for...
Thank you God for...


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