Monday, March 16, 2020

Enduring Love

Daily Devotion - March 16

I will try to send a brief message each day while we are pausing gathering in person.
- Kara

Today's Devotion is by Rev. Lisa Larges

Living as Resurrected People

On Sunday, we talked about Lazarus, and read the story in John 12:1-11 about the dinner he shared with his two sisters, Jesus and the disciples. Here are just a few thoughts about that gathering.

We know so little about Lazarus. None of the gospels record any of his words. We don’t know anything about what he thought, or what it felt like to be a formerly-dead-guy. I, for one, think that would be kind of interesting to know!
We can only imagine ….

Imagine what it was like to hear Jesus’ voice from within the tomb. 
Imagine what it was like to feel the hands reaching out and pulling/ripping/tearing the tightly wound burial cloth from around your body.

Imagine feeling the air, seeing the sun, looking in the faces of those you loved.

And then, I think of Lazarus at that dinner, some days after he had walked out of that tomb. He and his sisters must have had a remarkable love for one another, and the three of them shared a deep and clear love for Jesus. Jesus was more than a teacher to them, he was their friend.

Sometimes, when I need to get grounded, I think of the love that was in that room. 
Even though the world outside was topsy-turvy. Even though Mary knew (and perhaps Martha and Lazarus knew too) that Jesus’ death was not far away.

Even though the one who would betray Jesus sat at table with them. 
Even so, love was there.

I can only imagine Lazarus sitting there, feeling across every inch of his skin what a precious thing life was. I imagine him taking in the love, and the worry, and the sadness, and knowing these to be precious as well.
I imagine him looking across the table at his friend, Jesus, and seeing in his face the same light of understanding.

May we find some time to remind ourselves that love and life are precious.
Love is here, and love wins.
Love wins because life wins.

Perhaps tonight, before we go to bed, whatever time that is in each of our homes, we might all say this Psalm, and so join our souls:

Psalm 136, 1-10, 26 (If you have more than one person in your home, you can have one reader and have everyone else say the response, "for God's steadfast love endures forever.")

O give thanks to the Lord, for God is good,
for God’s steadfast love endures forever.

O give thanks to the God of gods,
for God’s steadfast love endures forever.

O give thanks to the Lord of lords,
for God’s steadfast love endures forever;

who alone does great wonders,
for God’s steadfast love endures forever,

who by understanding made the heavens,
for God’s steadfast love endures forever.

who spread out the earth on the waters,
for God’s steadfast love endures forever.

who made the great lights,
for God’s steadfast love endures forever.

the sun to rule over the day,
for God’s steadfast love endures forever.

the moon and stars to rule over the night,
for God’s steadfast love endures forever.

O give thanks to the God of heaven,
for God’s steadfast love endures forever.

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