Friday, November 24, 2023

Receiving This Life

 In a few weeks my second book comes out! It's officially available December 19, but can be pre-ordered now. 

I know it's cliche to say a book has been "a labor of love," but this one really wrestled with me and made me listen and pay attention. It is about living with openness to receive life at it is - to let yourself be encountered by God and others in the midst of any and every circumstance. 

My daughter drew a cartoonish face with wide eyes and snaggletoothed mouth cheerfully commanding me in a word bubble too: RECEIVE! I hung it in front of my desk in The Chapter House (my backyard shed/office) and let the little fellow keep calling me back and focusing me--both in the writing, and so also in my living of what I was writing. It took many different forms before the book finally revealed its true shape, and I am so happy with how it came out. I can't wait for this book to be out in the world. I pray it is a blessing and invitation to others as it has been to me. 

Receiving This Life is a versatile volume - it's designed as a devotional with short reflections that build on each other when read cover to cover, or can be dipped in and out of in any order.  It is also packed with prayers, liturgies and practices that individuals, families and congregations can adapt and use for different occasions and experiences. It would make an equally great bedside book as it would a book club or church-wide read.  (And, dare I suggest, a wonderful Christmas present-?!)

Receiving This Life is 30% off (as is The Deepest Belonging!) if you pre-order it directly from Fortress, with the code: AARSBL23

Here it is to pre-order on Amazon.

As we head into a holiday season, may you know yourself to be held in the love that holds us all. May you find pockets of peace and ease, and may you receive the gifts that await in each moment.


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