Monday, September 7, 2020

Back to School Blessing


May be used by groups/congregations, or at home.  

In lieu of a "blessing of the backpacks," each person brings an object that will be used for school this year.

Pencils, computers, paper, headphones, masks and designated workspaces – 
we lift to you the tools of this school year.
They represent the learning we will be doing,
and all the unusual places and ways we will be doing this learning.

 As we hold in our hands these tools, 

and hold in our hearts this school year,

we ask your blessing on us, Gracious One.


May our teachers teach with wisdom, grace, imagination and love.

Give them patience and gentleness with themselves,

and their students.

Mark out for them the times to work and the times to rest.

And give them joy in their teaching.


May our learners grow in wisdom, grace, imagination and love.

Give them patience and gentleness with themselves,

and their teachers.

Mark out for them the times to work and the times to rest.

And give them joy in their learning.


May our parents parent with wisdom, grace, imagination and love.

Give them patience and gentleness with themselves,

and with their children.

Mark out for them the times to work and the times to rest.

And give them joy in their parenting.


Lord, bless these students. 

Bless these teachers. 

Bless these parents.  

Bless this learning.

May we remember it’s not about memorizing facts and figures,

but stimulating our inspiration, expanding our horizons, 

deepening our appreciation for living, 

and expanding our capacity to participate 

in a full life alongside each other.


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Remembering how we do this

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