Saturday, November 29, 2014

Entering Into Advent...

tell it as a story

about darkness
giving birth to 
light, about
seemingly end-
less waiting, and
about that which
lies at the end of
all our waiting

with each 
telling, more
of the story
comes to light

darkness can
become the
tending place
in which our
longings for 
healing, justice,
and peace grow
and come to

-Jan Richardson, from Night Visions

Advent begins tomorrow.
Yummy, yummy Advent.

On our church website we are assembling a list of links and resources to help you celebrate Advent in your home, in quiet time alone or with your family, or as an active daily practice.  

This includes books, experiences, online devotionals, photo-a-day challenges, and a lovely movie from the artists at Proost, that tells the Christmas story in a tidbit each day throughout Advent, which will be posted each day on the Church website.
(Many of these resources have activities or readings that begin December 1).

Enjoy, and please let me know about any other links or resources you're finding helpful!

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Remembering how we do this

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