Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The unanswerable question, and its counterpart

A few weeks ago, Patheos contacted me and asked if I would write an answer to the question, Who or What is God? (In 100 words or less) for a piece they were putting together. 
Inside myself I said, "Sure, no problem." 
And then I began to think about my answer.  I thought about it walking the dogs. I thought about it in the shower. I thought about it putting my kids to bed and writing sermons.  
I wanted to answer their question. I intended to answer their question. But I couldn't do it.  Others did, and you should check out their answers and add your own, if you wish.  I, for one, will be thinking about it for some time.  Maybe I could answer it in 100 words a week? 100 words a day? Can it ever really be answered?

Having failed at the first question, here is my answer to a different one. 
Who or what ISN'T God?  
And I have found, in writing this one, that the pieces are loosening up so that perhaps an answer will come to the first question after all.  As my theologian husband tells me often when I am stuck in a sermon, "If you can't get at it, try getting at its opposite."

Who or what isn't God (in 100 words or less)

I am not God. 
Not my thoughts, feelings, opinions, beliefs, strengths or fears.
God is quite apart from me.
You are not God either.

God isn’t “right” or “good” or “truth” – though these things point to God.
God isn't a man.
Or a woman. 
But being men, and being women show us something about God,
whose image is reflected therein.

The bible isn’t God, though scripture is part of God’s unfolding story with humanity.

The church isn’t God, thank God.

Because God communicates, embodies, Godself to humanity in Jesus,
God is never removed from the suffering or powerless.  
God is…

Patheos has a follow up piece with more responses here

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