Friday, January 13, 2012

Reflecting on a year...

I always struggle to write my "annual report" as a pastor. It is so hard to put into words our life together in the past year, to succinctly wrap up what I sense God has been up to in us.  But the deadline comes around every year just the same, and somehow I feel able, in the end, to at least give a little snapshot after all.

So, here is my take on 2011 in the year of Lake Nokomis Presbyterian Church...

Thanks be to God.

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What's it all for and how does it happen?

    Exodus 15:22-16:36 ,  Exodus 19:1-20::21 .  Deuteronomy 6:1-9 ,  Leviticus 25 David Brooks recently had   an article in the Atlantic   w...